Israel-Hamas Conflict: What Happened and Why? The Explosive Truth Behind the Explosions!


The aggressive assault that was launched from Gaza highlights a significant failure by the Israeli intelligence agency, which could have lasting effects.

What happened on Saturday at the Israel-Gaza border?

On the final day of Jewish holidays, Israelis were awakened by sirens as Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired thousands of rockets from Gaza. Military militants broke through the sophisticated barriers surrounding Gaza, engaged in shooting and took hostages. armed extremists also attempted to infiltrate the sea in Israel.

This was a shocking and unprecedented attack by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as well as a significant Israeli intelligence failure. Both had lasting consequences. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, said that Israel was in war and that Palestinians would pay a big price.

Terrorists entered Jewish communities near the Gaza border, killing soldiers and civilians and taking hostages. In a shocking video, terrified Israelis were led away by Palestinian fighters, their blood was covering their bodies, and their hands were tied behind their backs. Many sought refuge in secure rooms inside their homes as the destruction spread.

A night of ongoing rocket attacks in southern Israel resulted in the destruction of a youth festival. They were shooting from tree to tree, Everywhere, From both sides. One survivor said, “I saw people getting killed.”

According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), by Saturday night, there were still between 200 and 300 Palestinian militants within Israel. Eight “points of attachment” were where the IDF was trying to take back control from extremists.

How did Israel react?

Israel called up its troops and started airstrikes on a small strip of land where 2.3 million people live. Netanyahu pledged to turn Hamas’s strongholds into “rubble,” but he warned Palestinians in Gaza to “leave now.” There is no safe place for those trapped in the densely populated area.

In the center of Gaza City, warplanes hit several buildings, including the Palestine Tower, which is an eleven-story building that houses Hamas radio stations.

Israel has hinted at starting a ground invasion, which poses significant risks to IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians in the affected region.

Additionally, Israel has cut off Gaza’s supply of fuel and electricity, which could soon have a negative effect on the healthcare facilities of the strip, which are already severely burdened by the victims of previous bombings.

Videos captured from Gaza showed devastation in both Gaza City and Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, where a mosque was destroyed.

Palestinians in Gaza shared pictures of leaflets that the Israeli military dropped in the northern Beit Hanoun area, telling people to leave their homes before an aerial attack.

How many people have lost their lives and suffered injuries? How many Israelis have been captured?

Sunday reports indicate that at least 300 Israelis have died, and approximately 2,000 people are receiving medical treatment in hospitals, of which 19 are in critical condition.

According to IDF spokesperson Daniel Haggai, over 400 Palestinian militants have been killed in Gaza and southern Israel, and dozens have been captured.

On Sunday morning, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said that Israeli airstrikes in Gaza since Saturday have killed at least 313 Palestinians, including 20 children, and nearly 2,000 injured. There were reports that in the West Bank Israeli military gunfire killed seven people, including a child.

Israeli Defense Forces have attacked Hamas fighters in several cities.

Why did Islamic Jihad and Hamas carry out the attack?

Although the attack’s exact cause is unclear, violence between Israeli soldiers and settlers in the West Bank and Palestinians has been rising for months. Palestinian villages have been attacked by armed militants; Extremists have attacked soldiers and settlers in the West Bank, and IDF raids have been common in Palestinian cities.

Over the past week, some Jewish people have prayed inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the Old City of Jerusalem. Muslims call it Haram al-Sharif, which is the third holiest place in Islam after Mecca and Medina. Jewish people call it the Temple Mount and treasure it as the place where the biblical Jewish temple was. Jewish prayer within the Al-Aqsa compound is prohibited and is extremely provocative. Hamas has named its forthcoming offensive “Al-Aqsa Intifada.”

Over the past 16 years, Gaza’s economy has been ruined by Israel and Egypt’s persistent blockade, which has nearly destroyed its internal infrastructure and put its residents in difficulties।

Israel’s right-wing coalition government’s extreme nationalists have repeatedly called for the annexation of Palestinian territories. Iran could also use these actions to hurt its relations with Israel.

Iran may use these changes to encourage aggressive actions, which could hinder Saudi Arabia’s efforts to normalize relations with Israel.

Why did the attack surprise Israel?

HAMAS probably had this attack planned for several months, and Israel’s intelligence agencies apparently didn’t know about it.

Israel has a strong presence over Gaza and monitors its activities with contemporary surveillance instruments, including drones that fly over the strip. It also depends on information from informants, some of whom may be forced to help Israel.

The intelligence failure is significant and undermines confidence in Israel’s government and military’s ability to protect its citizens.

Israel is wondering, “Where is the IDF, where is the police, where is security? Eli Marom, a former commander of the Israeli Navy, stated on Channel 12 that this was a serious failure and that the defense establishment had failed. What does Hamas hope to accomplish?

Since 2007, the terrorist organization has controlled Gaza and has demonstrated to the world that it is a powerful force. However, it is difficult to determine how these past week’s events will result in any beneficial effects for Gaza or Hamas.

Israel might use its military to stop terrorist activities in Gaza and the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Throughout this process, there is a high probability of many Palestinian deaths, as well as the destruction of homes and essential infrastructure.

Israel’s response is made more difficult by the hostage taking act, which also gives Hamas a significant opportunity to negotiate. Notably, in 2011, Israel released over 1,000 Palestinian captives in exchange for the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who had been in captivity for five years by Hamas.

If Iran is involved, it hopes that the violence will sabotage any potential normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which would serve as a setback to Saudi Arabia’s efforts.”

Is the general public in Gaza supporting Hamas?

Many people in Gaza want to live their lives away from blockades and the constant conflicts and problems. The restrictions imposed on them and the fear instilled by Hamas leaders have left them frustrated.

However, the lack of hope and the unique suffering in Gaza motivate some others to take up arms. They believe that militant action is the only way to progress their cause and fight for a better future.

Since the most recent elections in Gaza in 2006, support for Hamas has not been tested.

What is the global reaction to Hamas’ attacks?

HAMAS has received harsh criticism, and people have supported Israel’s right to defend itself. Prime Minister Netanyahu was informed by President Biden that the United States “stands with the people of Israel in the face of these terrorist attacks… My administration’s commitment to Israel’s security is firm and unwavering.

In order to discuss the crisis, the UN Security Council is convening an emergency meeting। In the meantime, UN Peacekeeping Forces are stationed along the border between Lebanon and Israel to “maintain stability and prevent escalation.”

The Egyptian government has stated that it is in talks with Saudi Arabia and Jordan in order to figure out a way out of the crisis. Past ceasefires have included Egypt.

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